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Informing Edgewood Together

Cougar Prints

Informing Edgewood Together

Cougar Prints

Informing Edgewood Together

Cougar Prints

Wyatt Manuel

Wyatt Manuel, Reporter

My name is Wyatt Manuel and I’m a freshman at Edgewood High School. I am part of Choraliers and love anything that involves music. I enjoy writing creative stories and making my own twist on them. Outside of school I go fishing with my family and hang out with my friends. I spent most of my time staying up and watching TikToks because who isn’t addicted to that app! I love traveling even to places it’s my first time going to. My favorite place I have been so far is probably Washington D.C.(Not for my 8th-grade trip because I didn’t get to go. Covid got me mad) I had played soccer since I was about 3 or 4 and stopped playing around the age of 12 or 13. It was the only sport I enjoyed playing but I quit so I could focus more on show choir. Speaking of show choir this is my third year of being in a show choir.

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Wyatt Manuel