Fan of The Week


Den Leaders with Fan of The Week, Peyton Smith

Rhemi Carder, Reporter

Fan of The Week, is a new addition to this year’s Friday night football games. Each week a fan is picked from the student section who shows team spirit and is dressed for the theme. Students seem to love the idea and enjoy seeing who will win each week. “I believe fan of the week is a very good addition to what the Den has done this year. It just gives an extra incentive to people in the crowd to be even louder than they might have been before.” says Senior Peyton Smith, a past Fan of The Week winner. 

Senior Rylan Brown, a Den Leader, details the qualifications of Fan of The Week, “ The student has to be loud and dressed for the theme while also earning recognition from their peers in the rest of the student section.” Rylan Brown says. Peyton believes Fan of The Week gives students an extra incentive to be louder than they might have been before. “Whoever came up with the idea of Fan of the Week clearly is a creative and smart person,” says Peyton. 

Photo Courtesy of the Den Instagram

Den Leader Rylan believes Friday night football games already had a very good student section but believes that since Fan of The week started it has improved the way people show their team spirit. “Fan of the Week has definitely made a difference when it comes to students dressing for the theme, students always talking about competing for it and try hard to outdo others when dressing for the theme,” says Rylan. The student section has always resembled good team spirit, and many students dressed for the theme. “Although we have a great student section, we wanted a reason to motivate the students to be loud and participate in the theme. We also felt like some fans should get the recognition they deserve.” says Rylan. 

Student’s a part of the Den hope this idea is passed on to upcoming Den leaders and that it stays a part of Edgewood. Fan’s who have won the title for that week’s football game, believe that if this is passed on to new leaders, that the student section will grow and become louder in support of the football team because there is an incentive they are working towards. “I think the whole idea of giving someone an incentive to win Fan of the Week will just lead to the student section getting louder and louder as more people want to win the title of Fan of the Week, ” says Peyton.

Students have won Fan of The Week that resemble traits of enthusiasm, were energetic, and fit that week’s theme very well. “Fan of the Week has definitely made a difference when it comes to students dressing for the theme, students always talking about competing for it and try hard to outdo others when dressing for the theme,” says Rylan. 

Peyton’s advice for students who want to win Fan of The Week would be to dress up for the theme and be as funny eye-opening as possible. “If the way you are dressed catches the eye of a den leader, then they know to watch out for you the rest of the game to see if you are bringing a lot of energy to the crowd,” says Peyton. “If the way you are dressed catches the eye of a den leader, then they know to watch out for you the rest of the game to see if you’re bringing a lot of energy to the crowd.” Edgewood students hope to see this being carried on throughout each year at the Edgewood football games. 

Den Leader Rylan Brown, along with Fan of The Week winner, Peyton Smith, who won at the start of our season encourages you to come out, show up, and support your cougars in your best outfit and be loud and energetic.