Class of 2023 With a Clean Sweep of Hoco Floats

Hopefully, the weather will allow the floats back into the 2024. Homecoming parade as it did in 2022!
October 13, 2022
The class of 2023 goes home with their 3rd homecoming float win, they’ve won every year minus 2020 due to the cancellation due to COVID.
For the competition, this year’s theme was Disney and the 2023 class chose to build a float based around the very popular 2009 film, “UP”. With previous wins under their belt, the four-year class president James Schenck was confident and believed that the senior class would win just as they have in past years. “Yes, I did expect to win. I just feel like we put in the most effort and had the most teamwork involved”, James commented.
Making the float was a slight challenge for the seniors as they tried to recreate the house from the film. The estimated cost was $500 with 35 separate people helping throughout the process. “Knowing that all three years winning, growing into upperclassmen together, shows how close and school spirited we are to win all three years, and I’m just very proud of all the seniors who helped out”, remarked James. As the reigning champions and this year’s graduating class, this win is just one of the final things they will be able to cherish from high school. James believes that there will be another class able to win the float-building competition consecutively as well, and he can’t wait to find out which class will get the privilege of feeling the joy that his class has felt.