President Biden’s Accomplishments in His First 100 Days


Laney Konz

Senior Laney Konz shows her support for Biden’s campaign during the 2020 election.

Maggie Roberts, Reporter

President Joe Biden is coming up on his first 100 days in office. The first 100 days that a president is in office is significant because of its historical meaning; Franklin Roosevelt took office in 1933 and rushed to fix America’s crippling economy within his first 100 days. Joe Biden has enacted a total of forty-two bills since he has become the president. Some of these bills address the increase in racism against the Asian community after the COVID-19 pandemic; they address discrimination against LGBTQ+ people; and one also re-entered the United States in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Freshman Lisa Ni likes that President Biden has made laws for anti-discrimination, saying, “I like that the laws are to help with discrimination but I can’t say I have much of an opinion on the law itself. I do think it’s rude and disrespectful to call COVID-19 the ‘Chinese Flu.’ Regardless of whether it started in China or not, it is still rude to call it the ‘Chinese Flu’ — by calling it the ‘Chinese Flu,’ people would have a tendency to blame Asians for the flu.”

Sophomore Cara Tucker said that she is really happy that there was a bill passed that banned discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; “I’m a part of the LGBTQ+ [community] and it’s made me feel a lot safer.”

However, Tucker has said that she isn’t very impressed with the administration’s commitment to tribal sovereignty; “Biden could have done a lot more to help natives… saying you are going to include them in more things and giving them more of a say isn’t going to do much if you don’t give them some of their land back. It was unjustly taken from them in the first place.”

Val McRoy, a sophomore, thinks that the US has taken a really big step in stopping climate change, saying, “It’s really nice that Biden has looked at climate change in a way that implies that big businesses are to blame instead of thinking that individuals are the cause of it.” However, they said that they aren’t completely sure about how they feel about the job loss that happened because Keystone got shut down, “It’s definitely good that Bidens cares about climate change, but I feel like the workers that lost their jobs could have gotten something to compensate for it.”