It’s tornado season which means everyone should be prepared just in case a tornado were to touch down during school hours. According to NBC4 news, The last time a tornado hit a school in Ohio was March 15, 2024, at Olentangy Berlin High School in Delaware County. No injuries were suffered.
A tornado has never touched down at Edgewood but just in case a tornado does, Mr. Fugate, a social studies teacher, has a plan for his students.
“We would go into the hallway, get to the lowest level possible, and stay away from the window,” Fugate said.
If a tornado targeted EHS, some students might get scared. The teachers’ main goal is to make sure students feel safe and calm during the storm.
“I would keep the kids calm by staying calm myself and answering any questions they have,” Fugate said. “Making sure they are silent, so they do not freak each other out.”
Freshman Mariah Sparks has never experienced a tornado during school hours.
“Nothing even close to a tornado has happened, but if it ever did, I would try my best to stay calm and think of the best,” Sparks said.
Most people would be scared for a tornado to touch down at a school.
“I would be scared but I know that my teachers would do everything they can to keep me safe,” Sparks said.
Teachers will sometimes have that worry about what if a tornado hits and what if we are not prepared, students have that worry too.
“I sometimes worry about the what-ifs when it comes to that kinda stuff,” Sparks said. “What if I am not mentally prepared enough for those kinds of situations, what if I have no way to get in contact with my parents.”