Tryouts for The Little Mermaid, this year’s musical selected by new musical director, Brandon Cole, took place on February 10th with over 30 kids showing up to test their skills and get a role.
Sophomore Richard Moore, last year’s John Brock from Little Women, is returning this year. He tried out this year for Sebastian the Crab and Prince Eric.
“I was one of the last people in, there were around 30 to 40 kids that tried out and I was there for about 3 hours waiting,” Moore said.
Shortly after the long tryouts, callbacks were on February 12th, and many kids returned to get put through yet another round of tryouts for their roles. Callbacks ended quickly and on February 14th, the list was posted with the names and the roles of this year’s cast. Moore and many others were excited to see that they were the ones that made the list,
“I got Prince Eric and I am very happy about it,” Moore said.
Now that tryouts are over, The Little Mermaid has a larger cast than last year’s show, and as a result, should be a more lively production. According to Moore, the popularity difference between The Little Mermaid and Little Women should spell a huge difference in turnout.
“I believe it will have a bigger turnout this year, bigger show, more people know about The Little Mermaid, last year like two people showed up for Little Women,” Moore said.
After many practices, The Little Mermaid is set to perform early in May 2025. It will be an exciting show at the end of the year when school is settling down for the summer months.