Megan Otis, EHS/Butler tech senior, is learning the steps to become an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in order to save the lives of others and ensure that patients are able to head to the hospital in good condition.
“I believe that EMTs and paramedics are one of the bravest people you could ever meet,” Megan said.
Megan is a student in Butler Tech’s Emergency Medical Technician program, learning the ropes to become a career EMT.
“We learn all the standard practice to treating the sick or injured in any way an EMT is allowed,” Megan said.
But Megan didn’t join without any reason, she hopes to springboard to a career.
“I joined the EMT program because I’ve always had an interest in being in this field,” Megan said. “I want to start my career as an EMT and eventually become a paramedic then get my BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) to become a nurse.”
However becoming an EMT is not easy, as students in the program have to take and pass numerous tests to succeed in the program.
“We take 4 different tests called modules and then at the end of the year we take a test called the national registry,” Megan added. “As long as we maintain a grade over a 75% and pass our test with a 70% we will be certified.”

Not only do students take tests, but they also do physical and other activities that relate to the EMT program.
“We’ve learned how to do patient assessments, all the acronyms and medications,” Megan said, “We have learned how to do the splinting, also how to do CPR, and also how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). We have also learned so much more.”
And while she practices and trains to become an EMT, she will always have one plan in mind after she leaves.
“I am planning on finding the right station and spending the rest of my life, saving people’s lives,” Megan said.