FCA, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, has grown within the past year. After growing out of two different classrooms in the first three weeks of the year FCA moved to Heritage Hall.
Senior Caden Sparks is an FCA leader and has loved every bit of the growth.
“Although you don’t have to be an athlete or a Christian, but if you come you can expect to hear the word of God,’’ Sparks said.
This year’s FCA leaders started out with a goal to move out of the classroom setting and into the Heritage Hall. After growing out of two different classrooms in the first three weeks of the year FCA achieved its goal and moved to Heritage Hall. Since moving to Heritage Hall well over 100 students have been attending every Friday morning, with very few empty seats. The new goal is to move to the gym by the end of this school year.
FCA has a vision and a message that they want to share with the school. Their passion and focus on the ultimate message of FCA continue to push FCA to grow members and reach their goal of filling up the gym.
Aiden Johnson started attending meetings his freshman year. He now speaks at some of the meetings.
“My favorite part about being in FCA is seeing how God has been able to do immeasurably more than we could have ever imagined through our FCA,” Aiden said.
“It is nerve-racking but at the end of the day, God is going to speak through you in a way that will be best understood by the audience to get the message across in the way that God intends it to,“ Aidan said. “The sole reason that FCA has grown so much this year is all God. We can do our best to try and market it and tell people about it but God is the one that is getting people in the door and acting through us in boldness to step out and invite people. The growth that we have seen in FCA is not my doing or any one of the speakers doing but God he allows us to be fruitful.”
While FCA is a student-run group, it does have group advisors. One of them is Mrs.Vogel, who unlocks the doors and monitors the meeting.
“This group of FCA leaders have done an amazing job using social media to promote FCA and inviting friends to come every week, which is the main reason for the growth the club has seen this year,” group leader Mrs.Vogel said.

Martha Brown • Nov 19, 2024 at 6:58 am
It is important to keep students informed of all types of support opportunities. I think Megan did a nice job providing information about the FCA.
Lauren Johnson • Nov 8, 2024 at 1:33 pm
Great article!
Bryce Robb • Nov 8, 2024 at 11:03 am
Wow! What a well-articulated article! I went to FCA this morning and really enjoyed it!
Caden Sparks • Nov 8, 2024 at 10:43 am
Wow! I am flattered to be featured in an article from a website as prestigious as Cougar Prints!!! Miss Brown was a great interviewer and made this process very enjoyable. Thank you Cougar Prints!
Aiden Johnson • Nov 8, 2024 at 10:41 am
Thanks for the Interview!