New MLB Rules
Great American Ballpark will showcase the new MLB rules this season.
March 27, 2023
New MLB rules will be put into play for the 2023 season. Some of these new rules include the pitching clock, no-shift rule, and more.
The pitching clock rule states that the pitcher must be in motion to deliver his pitch before the pitching clock runs out. If the timer runs out before the pitcher releases the ball, it will be an automatic ball for the batter. This new rule will hopefully reduce the game times by 25 minutes this season.
Sophomore Robert Eggebrecht has been an MLB fan all his life. His favorite team is the Reds.
Because of the new pitching clock rule, the players will have a certain amount of time to keep pace throughout the game.
“I like it because it keeps the tempo of the game,” Robert said.
His prediction for this 2023 season is that the games will be shorter due to the pitching clock.
Robert thinks this rule will have a negative effect on the team.
“It will affect the Reds in a bad way because they don’t have many pitchers except Hunter Green,” Robert said.
Robert thinks these rules are fair only if the batters don’t purposely take balls by being in the batter’s box for too long. Although these new rules are beneficial in ways, they could cause conflict.
“Not all the players will follow the rules because they want to take their time during the game and not be rushed,” Robert said.
Robert’s favorite rules that he is looking forward to being implied are the no-shift rule and bigger bases. The no-shift rule states that the infielders can not switch positions unless there is a substitution.
”I like the no-shift rule because it gives the batters more opportunities to get hits and make the game more fun,” Robert said.
He says he likes the bigger bases rule this season because it will prevent injuries during the game.
Mackenzie Minnix, a freshman, has been watching MLB for multiple years now. Her favorite team is either the Dodgers or the Reds. Mackenzie is looking forward to watching the new pitch-timer rule be implied this 2023 season.
“I think it will be beneficial because the restricted time will lead to shorter games,” Mackenzie said. “It might make games more enjoyable for people who like to watch MLB.“
Mackenzie is worried about how the players will react to this rule and if they would follow all the new rules this year.
“Some may and some may not just so that they can play their best and don’t need to be rushed,” Mackenzie said. “Players that don’t like these rules may not follow them and it could cause trouble during the game.”
When players don’t follow these rules the umpires have permission to give a reasonable consequence. Mackenzie thinks that other conflicts in the game could occur as well.
“The timer will run out and the batter won’t be awarded a ball,” Mackenzie said. “Some may say the pitcher threw the ball on time. Others will say he didn’t.”
Both Robert and Mackenzie think that the new pitching clock rule is fair and will lead to shorter games altogether. They both like this rule and can’t wait to see it go onto the field this 2023 season.