Baseball Over Break!
March 6, 2023
The varsity baseball team will spend most of their spring break playing in a tournament in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. For all of the players, this is their first time going on a trip together after the last one was canceled because of COVID.

Although this is their first year going on a school baseball trip, senior Colton Hunt is optimistic about it. “I think it will be a good time and good team bonding experience while we are down there,” Hunt said.
Senior Alex York is also looking forward to the trip. “It’s gonna be a fun experience and I hope we play good,” York said.
Some of the players are excited to get to know each other better and create a strong bond. “There is going to be a lot of good competition down there and it will strengthen us as a team to play some good teams together,” Hunt said.
The team will have to put their best effort forward if they want to do well in this tournament. “There will be some close games, win or lose,” said York.
Despite the strong competition, York believes the team will do well. “We put in a lot of hard work and effort all year and I think it will be a good experience,” York said.
One of the negatives about going away for spring break is the players will be away from their families. However, Hunt doesn’t think he’ll feel any different. “It’s not like spending time with my family, but these guys are basically family anyways, and it’s gonna be a good time spending the week with them,” Hunt said.
Both York and Hunt acknowledged the negative of the trip but are more than excited to play ball in a different setting.
“Although it sucks to give up spring break, there is no other group of guys that I would rather spend my break with,” Hunt said.