FCA Sock Drive is Looking for Donations
FCA advisor Gary Clemmons poses with the collected socks.
February 13, 2023
EHS FCA has started a sock drive for local homeless shelters and churches. New sock donations or cash donations will be accepted through March 17th.
Although FCA has done projects in the past, this year is the first year that they have done the sock drive according to Gary Clemmons, sponsor for Edgewood’s FCA and local Ambassador for FCA in southwest Ohio. “We will evaluate how things go after this year,” said Clemmons. “In the future, if the sock drive isn’t something we want to continue we’ll always have a service project of some sort.”
The sock drive came to be when Clemmons had a conversation with a local director of a homeless shelter who explained what all was needed at the shelter. “FCA is always looking for ways to be involved in service to our community…Socks was one of the items (for the shelter) and I thought it was an easy item for our students and staff to obtain for donation”, said Clemmons.
Students and other volunteers are encouraged to help out in the cause. They can donate new and unused socks to rooms 161 or 335, or donate money to purchase new socks. The donation will go to a local church with a clothing closet and the local shelter to give the socks out to those in need.
“One of the main but least donated tangible items in demand at shelters are socks and underwear. Having a school-wide sock drive helps raise awareness of the fact. Donating the socks will help supply the homeless with much-needed care”, said FCA Leader Luke Halsey, “If more people are donating it will lead to more homeless people being helped. Donating will make you feel good knowing that you’ll be helping out those that need it. Although no one has to donate, I would recommend it.”
“One thing I would challenge the club and the students/staff to is to get involved. This is a very easy affordable project that can provide a helping hand to others”, said Clemmons.