Volleyball Team Takes on Adversity

Bekah Klinedinst, Reporter

The Edgewood girls’ volleyball team is learning to overcome adversity after Coach Hollinger is forced to be out for the rest of the season. Varsity head coach, Coach Hollinger has recently been admitted to the hospital until her baby is born.

Varsity assistant, Jen Humphrey will now step in to fill Hollinger’s role with the help of Coach Hunt and Coach Klinedinst. Humphrey says “I was heartbroken for Coach Hollinger, she is the most dedicated, high-energy, and goal-driven person I’ve ever worked with, and she was genuinely excited for this season.” 

Not only are the coaches struggling with this adjustment but the players are as well. Senior Shelby Brehm is an athlete who is very close to Hollinger. Shelby said, “She has really changed my life, and I was looking forward to our last year together, so it’s been really hard for me.”

The volleyball team struggled with their game against Badin losing in three sets, but Shelby doesn’t think the struggle will last very long. “We were struggling emotionally and it has been hard for us, but we are deciding to flip it around for Coach Hollinger because we know that she would want that for us,” says Shelby.

Joseph Dawn

As a captain, Shelby feels the need to step up. “My goal is to hold my teammates accountable and disciplined. Just because Hollinger is not here doesn’t mean we can’t reach our goals. She worked so hard to make the culture the way that it is, I just don’t want it to fall out of line.” says Shelby

Throwing this big adjustment in Coach Humphrey’s face is having her step up in ways she didn’t expect this season. “Coach Hollinger is loud and demanding and I’m typically quieter, having to fill the role has forced me to be more vocal,” says Coach Jen. 

Although Coach Jen was not expecting this, she commented, “Now that the initial shock is over, I think we will see more success. The desire to make Coach Hollinger proud will drive these athletes to work harder every day.”

Shelby concluded that she has faith in the program even through the change, “I think our team is now going to accept the fact of Hollinger not being here. I have 100% faith in us and the rest of the season. We have set a standard for ourselves and want to push to be successful for the rest of the season.”

The volleyball team went 5-6 before Hollinger went to the hospital. They now remain with a record of 9-7. They will continue to play 6 more games before the end of the season hoping to finish the season with the record of 15-7 going into the state tournament games.