Senior Skip Yay or Nay?

Picture of seniors' cars gone.


Picture of seniors’ cars gone.

Jules Hatter, Reporter

Senior skip day is a day the Den Leaders elect for seniors not to come to school and instead, experience adult life. It’s commonly held the Monday following prom or another large event. This year it was held the Monday after homecoming and the next one will be the day after Halloween. 

Senior skip day has many different views. It’s seen as either an empowering day where students can experience adult life for themselves, or it’s seen as a day where students just skip school and have the day to themselves.

 Mr. Ahlers says that senior skip day is only planned by student’s and not the staff, “It is not a school-sanctioned thing. The seniors kind of get together on their own and pick a day or in the past we’ve had senior classes that have picked multiple days.” Ahlers also explains that  “Students do not get punished for participating in senior skip day. It only becomes a problem when students don’t complete their work or have way too many unexcused absences.” Although Principal Geygan adds, “We want everyone to be at school, attendance is a critical factor for determining one’s grades.”   

Last year, EHS did not have a senior skip day. Instead, small portions of students missed days randomly every once in a while. Megan Foster, a senior that participated in the skip day after homecoming, says that she would definitely participate in senior skip day again and that “A day off is good for anyone’s mentality.”