Cougar Prints’ Seniors Say Goodbye
Cougar Prints sends off the Class of 2021 staff as they graduate. Art made on
May 17, 2021
Josie Green

I had no idea that when I joined Cougar Prints my sophomore year, I’d be making a decision that would greatly impact my life path. As a sophomore, I was Managing Editor and helped build Cougar Prints from the ground up. As a junior and senior, I took on the role of Co-Editor-in-Chief alongside Laney. I’m so proud of the growth and development that Cougar Prints has gone through — it wasn’t easy, there were a lot of stressful moments, but I loved it until the very end.
Ultimately, working on Cougar Prints has helped me realize how much I want to pursue an education in English. This fall, I’ll be attending Ohio Wesleyan University, majoring in English and potentially minoring in Communications or Creative Writing.
It wasn’t just Cougar Prints that’s helped me find my path. I owe much of who I am to some influential teachers. I had Mrs. Stephanie Johnson for Honors English 9 and AP Lang. On top of that, she was my freshman year Student Council advisor. She believed in my writing and my ability as a writer, and her words of encouragement led me to believe I can pursue an English degree. Ms. Anderson has been my head Student Council advisor for the past four years, and I’m so glad I had her for AP Lit. this year. She’s always up for in-depth and sometimes wild interpretations of the stories we read, and she’s been an incredible mentor for the type of person I’d like to be when I’m older: reliable, hardworking, and dedicated. Some of my favorite memories come from AP Lit., specifically Leane Kinney’s wild interpretations of the novels and poems we read. Lastly, Mr. Heflin has been a huge influence in my life. Over the three years that he’s been my teacher, he’s helped me improve my writing skills, and he’s put so much of his trust into me that I’ll forever be grateful for him giving me a chance to work for Cougar Prints.
To the future Editors-in-Chief: I wish you all the best in taking over mine and Laney’s position. It’s stressful, but incredibly rewarding when you realize how many parents, students, and community members are touched by us showcasing their stories. To the future editors and reporters: I hope you also realize that you are the backbone of Cougar Prints. Without you submitting articles and photos on time, the paper would be nothing. To all underclassmen: high school goes by incredibly fast. Enjoy it while you can!
Laney Konz

At the end of my freshman year, I decided to sign up for journalism, a new course that the school was offering. Little did I know, this class would grow to be a huge part of my high school experience. As a sophomore, I was able to be a part of the beginning of Cougar Prints, and getting to see the growth of our paper, as well as my improvement as a writer, has been awe-inspiring. I went from being a Features reporter to the Editorials editor to Co-Editor-in-Chief alongside Josie. I definitely think that serving in these three positions has given me more insight into what running a school newspaper takes. Every role is vital, and we all rely on each other to continue publishing relevant news.
I’m certainly glad to be starting this new chapter in my life, but it is definitely bittersweet leaving behind Cougar Prints. To our future EICs, I wish you the best, and please reach out if you need any advice. I can’t wait to see how the paper progresses beyond my time at Edgewood High School — I know the paper will continue to do great things.
After high school, I will be attending Xavier University as an English major, where I will also be taking a minor in Writing. I am also debating on taking an additional minor in Political Science. At XU, I will be a part of their University Scholars Program (honors program), and I hope this will push me even further to improve my writing. I also really would love to study abroad for a semester or year (whatever I can afford)!
My favorite memory from my time at Edgewood was when Mrs. Brown, my Algebra 1 teacher in middle school, slammed her hands on Jacob Jump’s desk because he didn’t have his TI-83 calculator lid on the backside of his calculator. He kind of jumped in surprise, but Hannah Henson was sitting behind him and she got so scared that she started crying. Mrs. Brown felt so bad — it definitely surprised everyone, but we laughed about it later.
Looking back, English has always been my favorite subject, and entering my freshman year, I was able to take Honors English 9 with Mrs. Johnson. From that moment, Mrs. Johnson has been my favorite teacher, and each year, I would sign up for whatever class she was teaching. Since I have been a part of Student Council all four years, Ms. Anderson has been a mentor to me, and luckily, I finally had her as my English teacher as a senior. They have made a big impact in my life, both academically and personally, and I am so sad I won’t be able to see them every day at school anymore!
Overall, I’m glad to be moving on to this new chapter, but I will miss my classmates that I’ve grown up with since preschool, as well as the teachers I have had along the way.
Once a Coug, Always a Coug!
Ashley Shannon

My time at Edgewood High School has finally come to an end, and I want to thank all of the teachers and various staff members for making all these years the best I could imagine. I’d like to specifically thank Mrs. Hollinger for always listening to me ramble about anything and everything so I could get things off of my chest; Mr. Pierett for never letting a class go by without cracking a joke, and for making learning an enjoyable and effective experience; and lastly, Mr. Chasteen for all of his hard work and dedication to his students, whether that was planning trips or teaching them accountability. I would also like to thank the amazing friends I have found over the years. My favorite memory was when Ben Johnson told me I resembled a broken skeleton he had in his classroom. After graduation, I will be attending The Ohio State University and I will be majoring in exercise science on a pre-physical therapy track.
Noah Richards

I might’ve just joined Cougar Prints this past January, but it has been a lot of fun. I enjoyed this class because I was able to write in a way that I had not been allowed to in traditional English classes. I wish I could have worked it into my schedule earlier in high school, but I am thankful for the time I had.
My favorite memories from high school include soccer and volleyball games, being in the student section at football games, and all of Mr. Pierett’s quotes and stories.
After high school, I will be attending the University of Cincinnati to pursue a degree in Aerospace Engineering. I hope to be able to design aircraft technology for the military.
My advice to underclassmen is to not stress and worry at all about class rank and GPA. Grades are important, but learning and enjoying the classes you take are much more important. Colleges and scholarship organizations want well-rounded students that are active in their community and hold leadership roles.
Emily Miller

Hi, I’m Emily! After graduation, I’ll be attending Ohio Northern University to play women’s lacrosse and major in Middle Childhood Education with a minor in Sociology.
This has been my first year in journalism and I’m so glad I decided to take this class because it has honestly been one of the highlights of my senior year. Getting to learn new things around the school and meet so many new people throughout this course has been amazing.
In addition to Cougar Prints, I’m also a part of the girl’s lacrosse team, marching band, and ASL club. Having to say goodbye to these groups and the people I have been close with for the past four years will definitely be hard — Edgewood has given me so many great relationships and memories.
Some of my favorite memories from high school have consisted of going to the state championship for marching band, going on a winning streak during the middle of lacrosse season, Ben Johnson’s stories during anatomy, and Mr. Peterson’s AP Government class.
Being someone who wants to be a teacher in the future, I really look up to a lot of the teachers who are always there for their students and are helpful both in and out of the classroom. An example of this type of teacher would be Mr. Peterson, so a huge thank you to him. My time at Edgewood has definitely had its ups and downs, but now that I’m towards the end, I’m just glad to have experienced all of it, and I’m for sure looking forward to graduating and seeing what my future has in store.
Gracie Simpson

As Michael Scott once said, “Oh my God! Okay, it’s happening!” And now, those words are relatable. It’s happening. I’m graduating!
Over the past twelve years at Edgewood, I’ve made countless memories, like the cruise during the DC trip, Saturday morning yoga with the soccer team, and when a woman asked me for my name and I simply told her that I didn’t have one (that memory still keeps me up at night). I’ve had the best teachers, like Mrs. Hollinger, who wrote me a pass every single morning just so I could come into her room during first period and she could give me free therapy, and Mr. Kevin Johnson, who always made me laugh and taught me more than he realizes.
On top of all of this, I’ve met my lifelong friends. To Karlee, Delaney, Brooke, Ashley, Ashlynn, Leane, Liv, and Meg, I can’t thank you guys enough for everything you’ve done for me. From Karlee and I sitting together on the bus for all of fourth and fifth grade, to Delaney and I being like mother and child for all of middle school, and now, to spending our senior year together, you guys have been by my side through everything and I love you guys and all of our memories.
After graduating from Edgewood, I’ll be attending the University of Cincinnati. I’m going to be double majoring in Early Childhood Education and Special Education. I plan to try out for club soccer, go to lots of sporting events, play lots of spike ball, and hopefully get the full college experience. Go Bearcats!
Goodbye Edgewood, thanks for all the memories!
Samuel George

Hello, my name is Samuel George and I am a senior this year. After graduating, I will be moving on to Miami University where I will be double majoring in Political Science and History. I also plan on minoring in either Economics or Philosophy/Law.
After graduating from Miami University, I plan on going to law school. I would like to attend either Duke, Vanderbilt, or Notre Dame.
Some of my favorite memories of Edgewood are the D.C. trip in eighth grade, the homecoming dances I attended with my group of friends, and lunches I had with all of my close friends. I also have good memories of listening to Mr. Pierett’s stories in Honors American History and AP U.S. History.
I would have to say my favorite teachers I had in high school were Mr. Pierett, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Peterson, Mrs. Gabbard, and Mrs. Hollinger. I enjoyed going to their classes everyday. I look back on my time at EHS and I suppose it was worth it for the friends I made and teachers I had.
Here is my advice for underclassmen: Just put in a little bit of effort into school. If you do, you find it to be quite easy and it will help you in the future.
Julius Ducker

I came to Edgewood at the beginning of seventh grade. I quickly made tons of friends and started playing sports. I then decided from that point on to be an absolute legend.
My favorite memory is when I was in eighth grade. On the Washington D.C. Trip, we went to the Holocaust Museum and Hayden Hellard attempted to flood the bathroom at the Museum when survivors were there.
After high school, I plan to attend Mount St. Joseph University and major in business. High school taught me how life really is and I feel like I will go out into the world and use the skills I was taught. The only advice I am qualified to give is this: “Don’t let school stress you out, take time to enjoy high school while you can because it goes by faster than you think. Also, be excellent to each other, and party on dudes.” I have many teachers I’ve liked, and here are a few: Mr. Jason Heflin, Mr. Kevin Johnson, Mr. Mark Blair, Mr. Mark Pierett, and finally, Mr. Ryan Fairchild.
Jenna Smith

Hi, my name is Jenna Smith and I plan on attending Mount St. Joseph University and will be majoring in criminology.
Some of my favorite memories were from the pep rallies we would have. I wish I would’ve involved myself in more activities throughout high school, but I still had a fun time here at Edgewood.
To the underclassmen, when I was in your position and was told that it goes by quick, I did not believe it, but it truly does go by faster than you think. Enjoy it while you still can.
One of my favorite staff members is Patti Roark — she is always very sweet and makes my day. Also, Mrs. Hollinger because she is a great role model and someone you can always go to.
Hailey Barger

Although this isn’t the senior year I hoped for, I’m grateful for everyone who has supported me the last three years I’ve been at Edgewood. Without the friends I’ve made here, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I’m super excited to graduate and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
After graduation, I’ll be attending the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash for pre-mortuary science. Afterwards, I plan on transferring to Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science where I plan on earning my bachelor’s degree in mortuary science. I plan on working alongside our coroner after graduation, and even plan on running to be coroner myself one day.
My favorite memory at Edgewood would have to be the marching band competitions. I always enjoyed being able to perform and have fun with my friends. I enjoyed the long bus rides to our competitions, shouting the lyrics to songs at the top of our lungs and all the dumb inside jokes between my friends and I. I’ll also miss the nervousness and anxiety I would get after our performances, patiently waiting to hear our score. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
My advice to underclassmen would be not to take anything for granted and to enjoy every moment of high school because it goes by quick. Also, be yourself and don’t ever let anyone try to change you. As for my favorite teacher, Mr. Sullivan, you’re an amazing teacher who makes class enjoyable. I loved your class — keep up the amazing work!
Emma Smith

My name is Emma Smith. After high school I will attend Miami University and apply to the nursing program next year.
My favorite memory from being at Edgewood is all of the school dances. I loved dressing up and having a fun time with all of my friends.
Some advice I would give to underclassmen is to try to be involved in as much as you can be. Being involved in things will help you make new friends and enjoy high school a little bit more.
If I had to pick a favorite teacher, I would say Mrs. Beiser. She has been there for me since my freshman year. She is always there for me when I need someone to talk to.
Austin Davis

Photo provided by Austin Davis.
As my senior year comes to an end, I would like to reflect on my time at Edgewood. After high school, I plan on attending Indiana-University Kokomo and majoring in business.
Some of my favorite memories include all of the DECA field trips and being able to play baseball for all four years of high school. Also, my sophomore year when we had character day and all of the dances and events the school has had.
In addition, I would like to thank teachers that have impacted me, such as Mr. Chasteen, Mrs. Adams, and Mr. Heflin, along with all of the other teachers, administrators, and staff in the building.
If I had any advice for underclassmen, it would be to enjoy your time here as much as you can because, although you think you have a lot of time left, it always seems to fly by once it’s over.