Tina’s Angels: Opportunities for Students
Members of Tina’s Angels.
April 7, 2021
Tina’s Angels had a fundraiser to raise money for scholarships available to Edgewood students. Founder of Tina’s Angels and Edgewood alumni, Troy Kehr, stated, “What we are doing is [in] honor of my sister Tina Kehr Conrad who passed away from breast cancer on November 5 of 2010; and what we are doing today is raising money as we celebrate her life, to give scholarships to servicing Edgewood students [who] are graduating, pursuing either a Bachelor’s or an Associate’s degree or furthering their education through a trade.”
To get the word out, they used social media. Kehr shared, “Social media [is] really the way to do it, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, or email. Everyone was really kind of expecting it around the second or third week of March, and we just got to come out and celebrate my sister’s life.”
Some may wonder why they should give to Tina’s Angels. Kehr said, “I think people like to give back to their community. [The community likes] to see our youth prosper and further their education… Some of these kids need financial aid and it’s just great that the community supports Tina’s Angels and is able to financially give back to the community.” Junior Carter Smith, who knows the family behind Tina’s Angels, appreciates the effort of the program; “Well I know it is for a good cause… I’m kind of excited to go play and it’s really cool what they’re doing for my friend’s mom.”
Originally, Tina’s Angels was going to do a kickball event but Kehr said, “Kickball is a little more challenging. You get to have a couple hundred people to make it a success.” However with the help of EHS students and community support, Kehr hopes to return to the kickball fields; “Actually, at the last board meeting, our members really wanted to bring back kickball. Once we get through this COVID pandemic [we might.]” In conclusion, Tina’s Angels’ event both supports the school and helps people living with breast cancer.